dr Bartosz Stelmach

Attorney at law, Ph.D. at law specializing in civil law, mediator and recommended arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration at the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice. In addition, he is a research and teaching employee at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, lecturer at postgraduate studies in real estate law, as well as an ad hoc court expert in the field of international civil procedure.
An expert in corporate disputes and real estate law. He has extensive experience in representing clients in court proceedings and in negotiating commercial contracts. He advises in the area of strategic planning of new corporate structures as well as their restructuring. He has over 12 years of professional experience. He advised on transactions and participated in processes whose value reached several dozen million zlotys.
At work he combines unconventional approach, attention to every detail of the case and concern for the safety and comfort of the Client. When providing legal advisory he always takes into account the individual needs of the Client.
Author of scientific publications in the field of civil law and company law. Speaker at scientific conferences. He also speaks English in his professional work.